Hello Dear Friends,
What if there was something better than a pill for living more fully and aging well?
Love Medicine is my new body of work for what science calls the number one source of promoting health, well-being, and resilience as we age- love and human connections.
But how? What kinds of human connections? What does community look like in the reality of our lives today? Short of moving to a “Blue Zone”, how might we actively, and intentionally create it?
We may believe in and even be quite active in “community”, yet many of us live or work by the exact opposite: the myth of independence. We tend to support everyone else, yet secretly wonder who will be there for me.
Love Medicine offers a framework, a map, and a method, to inspire each of us to intentionally cultivate circles of support for living more fully and aging well on our terms. If you are a solo-ager, if you are (or others describe you as) successful, independent, and/or strong. If you carry the responsibility of caring for others. If you’ve lived long enough to know that hope is not a plan, then Love Medicine could be a helpful framework for you.
Don’t take my word for it, here’s what others said about the inaugural workshop:
- A surprisingly accessible and comfortable way to talk about and learn important lessons and navigational tools.
- The Love Medicine Workshop invites reflection on how you want yourself and others to show up in your life and offers practical tools to support the creation/manifestation of your vision
- Exploring Love Medicine, with Mary’s exquisite stewardship, was a gorgeous invitation and roadmap for cultivating circles of support that will make a profound difference in how I live, and how I die.
- Love Medicine illuminates a different path for how to consciously move through aging.
- Thought and action-provoking experience to recognize and develop supportive connections as I age.
- A practical journey to recommit to the relationships I need to successfully age alone.
How do I learn more?

On May 1st, 2024, I’m offering my new online workshop, based on the foundational principles of Love Medicine.
I’ll be your guide as we experience the 3 Keys to Unlocking More Love Medicine in Your Life starting today.
The Myths that keep us siloed and disconnected while swimming in an invisible sea of support.
The Map to re-orient and navigate life as we age
The Method for cultivating more compassionate communities in our lives
You’ll leave with ideas and actions to deepen and grow circles of support for your life starting now.
May 1st, 2024, 5:30-7:30 PM PT
Via Zoom (details will be sent once you’ve registered)
Reserve your space directly on Stripe: https://buy.stripe.com/eVabIM09qdlMcSI6oo
The cost is $197.00, yet I’m offering this to friends and family for $97.00.
(or gift it to a friend and come along for free.)
Why Me?
I’ve worked on the front lines of healthcare, hospice and community organizations for decades. I’ve witnessed, personally and professionally, the power of community to help us live more fully, age more gracefully, and even die well. Yet nothing taught me how to cultivate this for myself or those I love. Love Medicine is the working title of my forthcoming book to bridge this gap. What I know is that we absolutely can.
I want more of this for me, for you, for society.
Will you join me?